Please Note: Tours and group visits to the Children’s Library will resume in fall 2021. Please email us at lakeview@monarchlibraries.org for more information. We appreciate advance notice.
Tours of the Children’s library include brief instruction on using the library space and collections, locating books by call number, and rules of the library.
Storytimes are offered for Pre-K through early elementary age classes. Storytimes include books, songs and activities and we can cover a specific topic if requested. We are happy to host or to come to your classroom.
If you plan on bringing a class to the library for a browsing visit, give us a heads up by contacting us at 920-994-4825 or lakeview@monarchlibraries.org. While you are welcome at anytime, we appreciate knowing just in case we have other large groups scheduled to arrive at the same time and so that we may have adequate staff available.
Are you in need of a selection of books about a certain topic? Or multiple copies of a single book for classroom book discussions? Contact us at lakeview@monarchlibaries.org and we’re happy to help out. Please give us as much advance notice as possible so that we are able to fulfill your request.