Who We Are (Fun-Loving Contributors to the Library)
The Friends of the Lakeview Community Library (Friends of LCL) is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that provides funding for needed materials for the Lakeview Community Library, ranging from books and DVDs, furniture, and events.
We are composed of over 30 members and are interested in making new friends! If you are interested in helping the library with your creative ideas, looking for volunteer opportunities, and meeting new people please consider joining us at our next meeting!
The next meeting of the Friends will be: Tuesday, January 18 at 5:30pm.
What We Do
The Friends lend support, enthusiasm, and ideas to the library! They fundraise for library materials as well as helping out with events, work projects, and other programs. They also support and advocate for the library in the local communities as well as making sure the library is aware of these communities’ needs.
Recent Friends Gifts 100 Year Beautification Fund Match and Smart TV
Continuous Friends Gifts Summer Reading Program and
Book Pages Subscription
Our bylaws can be read here!
Previous Meeting Minutes
Once meeting minutes are approved at the next scheduled meeting, they will be added here!
Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I become a Friend of the library?
Please find an application form here! Just print it, fill it out, and drop it off at the circulation desk. Or email it to the friends at bookstechfriends@gmail.com.
How can I contact the Friends?
You may email us at bookstechfriends@gmail.com or Facebook message us! You can also leave a message for them at the circulation desk at the library. A librarian will deposit a note or letter in the Friends’ mailbox that officers check twice a week. We look forward to hearing from you!
How can I help the Friends without becoming a member?
We welcome monetary donations to the Friends. When making a gift to the Friends, your funds may go towards events, large purchases to benefit the library, staff appreciation, and more. Please make checks payable to the Friends of Lakeview Community Library. Choose to shop Amazon smile: smile.amazon.com choosing us as the charity Amazon will contribute money toward.
Our Officers: